National Aviation Academy – New England
 is accredited by the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges. Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges, 2101 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 302, Arlington, VA 22201, Telephone 703-247-4212, Fax 703-247-4533,

National Aviation Academy – Tampa Bay is accredited by the Commission of the Council on Occupational Education. Council on Occupational Education, 7840 Roswell Road, Building 300, Suite 325, Atlanta, GA 30350, Telephone 770-396-3898 / FAX 770-396-3790,

National Aviation Academy has met the standards established by the Federal Aviation Administration, Aircraft Maintenance Division for Aviation Maintenance Technician Schools and has held FAA Certificate #DV9T100-R (Tampa Bay Campus) and #EC6T068K (New England Campus) since 1970. The aircraft maintenance division is responsible for regulations and national policy governing the certification, inspection, and surveillance of the maintenance aspects of:

  • General aviation, air carrier and commercial operators
  • Airmen (mechanics, repairmen, designees, parachute riggers)
  • Avionics
  • Air agencies (aviation maintenance technical schools (AMTS) and repair stations)
  • Maintenance requirements, performance standards and practices applied to ensure the airworthiness of civil aircraft

More information available at

National Aviation Academy is approved for Veteran’s training for Veterans utilizing their educational benefits. The GI Bill® is available for training. Monthly entitlement is based on the number of clock hours a students attends each week of the month.

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).
More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at

National Aviation Academy is accredited by the National Center for Aircraft Technician Training (NCATT) for its Advanced Aircraft Systems Program. The vision of the NCATT is to promote professionalism of aircraft maintenance by:

  • Establishing and maintaining industry identified and endorsed technician education and skill standards
  • Establishing and maintaining technician certifications
  • Developing NCATT accreditation process for related programs
  • Promoting and providing linkages to educational and training resources
  • Fostering and maintaining interest in aviation careers

More information available at



The Liberal Studies Aeronautical Maintenance Technology program prepares students for employment with major and commuter airlines, airplane and helicopter engine manufacturers and many other aviation related companies.

Training provides the background for advancement to supervisory and managerial positions in these industries. The hands-on aircraft maintenance instruction and training at NAA’s New England campus, is the first component of the program. Students complete the requirements for the Associate in Science degree at Middlesex Community College (MCC).

The general education and business courses strengthen communication and management competency. MCC associate degree credits for the aviation maintenance courses are awarded on receipt of an official transcript from NAA New England. Students may begin their MCC course work at any time.


General Education Requirements (30-31 Credits Required)

  • Introduction to Business (3 Credits)
  • Principles of Management (3 Credits)
  • Microcomputer Applications (3 Credits)
  • English Composition I (3 Credits)
  • English Composition II (3 Credits)
  • Algebra II OR Math Connections (3 Credits)
  • Behavioral Science Elective (3 Credits)
  • Humanities Elective (3 Credits)
  • Science Elective (3-4 Credits)
  • Social Science Elective (3 Credits)

Articulated Credit (30 Credits)

  • As an FAA 14 CFR Part 147 aviation maintenance training program, completion of NAA’s 14-month Aviation Maintenance Training course satisfies the maintenance component of the AS degree.
  • This program has met all the standards established by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for Aviation Maintenance Technician Schools under the FAA Certificate Number EC6T068K.

Total Program Credits 60-61


Polk State’s AS in Aviation Maintenance Administration enables an aviation maintenance technician (AMT) to build upon the certification that they receive at NAA by adding academic skills to enhance communication and management abilities.

This Associate of Science degree requires a total of 60 credits. The program consists of 18 credits of General Education courses and an aviation core of 12 credits. A total of 30 credits are articulated into the program upon successful completion of NAA’s Aviation Maintenance Technician or Aviation Maintenance Professional program.


General Education Requirements (18-19 Credits Required)

  • Communications (3 Credits) – College Composition I
  • Mathematics (3 Credits) – College Algebra OR Topics in Mathematics
  • Humanities (3 Credits) -Introduction to Humanities OR Ethics
  • Social Sciences (3 Credits) – General Psychology
  • Natural Sciences (3 Credits) – Fundamentals OR Physics
  • Health and Wellness (3 Credits) – Wellness Concepts OR Wellness: Nutrition, Personal Growth, and Fitness

Program Core Requirements (12 Credits Required)

  • Aviation Management (3 Credits)
  • Aviation Maintenance Management (3 Credits)
  • Aviation Meteorology and Automation Management (3 Credits)
  • Safety Management Systems and Operational Risk Management (3 Credits)

Articulated Credit (30 Credits)

  • As an FAA 14 CFR Part 147 aviation maintenance training program, completion of NAA’s 14-month Aviation Maintenance Training course satisfies the maintenance component of the AS degree.
  • To be eligible for credit articulation, students must: complete the FAA 14 CFR Part 147 aviation maintenance training program, hold FAA Airframe and Powerplant (A&P) certifications, and have been issued FAA Airframe and Powerplant certificates not more than three years before the date of enrollment in the program.

Total Program Credits 60-61


The broad critical-thinking skills gained with a general studies online bachelor’s degree benefits many career paths. Training provides the background for advancement to supervisory and managerial positions in employment opportunities with major and commuter airlines, airplane and helicopter engine manufacturers, and many other aviation related companies.

SNHU general studies online bachelor’s degree requires a total of 120 credits. A current evaluation of credits are awarded and articulated into the program upon successful completion of NAA’s Aviation Maintenance Technician or Aviation Maintenance Professional program and evaluated through SNHU.

General Education Core Requirements (120 Credits Required)

  • ENG 122 English Composition I (3 Credits)
  • ENG 123 English Composition II (3 Credits)
  • MAT 125, MAT 130, MAT 135, MAT 136, or MAT 240 (3 Credits)
  • SNHU 107 or Free Elective for students transferring 12+ credits (3 Credits)
  • IDS 100 or Free Elective for students transferring 12+ credits (3 Credits)
  • EFAH: Fine Arts and Humanities Elective (ENG, FAS, HUM, LIT, MUS, PHL (3 Credits)
  • EFAH: Fine Arts and Humanities Elective (ENG, FAS, HUM, LIT, MUS, PHL (3 Credits)
  • ESBS: Social and Behavioral Sciences Elective (ATH, ECO, HSE, POL, PSY (3 Credits)
  • ESBS: Social and Behavioral Sciences Elective (ATH, ECO, HSE, POL, PSY (3 Credits)
  • ESTM: Science/Technology/Mathematics Elective (BIO, CHM, ENV, GEO (3 Credits)
  • ESTM: Science/Technology/Mathematics Elective (BIO, CHM, ENV, GEO (3 Credits)
  • EHIS: History Electives (HIS, HIS 100, or HIS 200) (3 Credits)
  • EHIS: History Electives (HIS, HIS 100, or HIS 200 (3 Credits)
  • Choose one (1) Seminar Course: IDS 400, IDS 401, IDS 402, IDS 403, or IDS 404 (3 Credits)

Major Course Requirements

  • IND 299 Strategies for Specialized Planning (3 Credits)

National Aviation Academy Courses

  • Completion of FAA 14 CFR Part 147 aviation maintenance training program. (Credits evaluated upon request)

The broad critical-thinking skills gained with a general studies online bachelor’s degree benefits many career paths. Training provides the background for advancement to supervisory and managerial positions in employment opportunities with major and commuter airlines, airplane and helicopter engine manufacturers, and many other aviation related companies.

SNHU general studies online bachelor’s degree requires a total of 120 credits. A current evaluation of credits are awarded and articulated into the program upon successful completion of NAA’s Aviation Maintenance Technician or Aviation Maintenance Professional program and evaluated through SNHU.
